
From Inside Joke To Internet Sensation

Sausage School Title Image

Hey guys, I thought I would post this since it is relevant to my interests. It’s an interview that I did with my friend Tom for a web publication that’s kind of a big deal. They asked us a few questions about Sausage School, which Tom animates and I write. We had an absolute blast getting to the heart of what makes the show “tick” as well as giving a little history of our “genius.” With their permission I’ve included the entire article below:

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Directed and Edited By Me, Sausage School Behind The Scenes

Tom Is Happy - Sausage School BTS

Howdy, y’all!

Haven’t written a blog post on this site in ages! I’d come up with some New Year’s resolution to rectify that, but chances are it won’t stick. Not a lot of my resolutions do, to be honest. I’ve decided to break my laziness-led blog silence because I want to show off a video that I recently directed for a rather awesome up-and-coming YouTube Channel. It’s a behind-the-scenes featurette for the show that I write called Sausage School.

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This is a Close-Up? Cartoons and Toonocracy

I’ve been a busy little bee these days. Not sure if you remember a post series of mine from awhile back where I complained about working at a web animation studio out in Chicago. The work was lousy, but it was there that I met my friend Tom Riffel and there that I developed an interest in animation. When I got let go, I immediately started thinking about what it would be like to get a bunch of people together to work on the types of cartoons that we wanted to see. There were a few ideas I tossed back and forth with Tom, but they didn’t get very far past the “idea” stage. Not only that, there just weren’t enough of us to get anything substantial off the ground.

Fast forward to the here and now in sunny California, where Tom fills me in on an interesting idea that he and a few others are working on.

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