Last year I wrote up a post about my new years resolutions. Out of the 20 I posted, I ended up completing only one. So this year I decided to re-think the resolution thing and come up with more attainable goals so I feel less pathetic when the 2011 rolls around. Although, I have a feeling that history will repeat itself like it usually does and I’ll be writing a post similar to this one next year. Yay for New Years Resolutions, eh?
Anyway, here’s the list in all it’s listy glory.
- Finish a final draft of Year of the Con, my nerdy road-trip comedy.
- Acquire an Agent and a Manager to help sell my script and future ones I write.
- Complete writing of two web series I want to produce.
- Get at least one of the web series produced.
- Write a third screenplay.
- Get Photoshop CS2 and Flash 8 back on my compruter. Srsly, the newer ones blow.
- Write every day.
- Find either a better-paying job or a second job.
- Start up my old webcomic.
- Go to more shows.
- Go to a rave.
- Go to at least 2 nerdy conventions. Dress up for both of them.
- Go to comic con.
- Write a sci fi novel.
- Complete Script-Frenzy this year and do NaNoWriMo again!
- Write a spec script for a sitcom, hour-long drama, procedural, and whatever you call the ooey gooey goodness that’s on HBO and SHOWTIME these days.
- More dates. Some blind dates perhaps.
- Do one of those speed dating things and have at least as awkward a time as Steve Carrell did in The 40 Year Old Virgin.
- Drink more cranberry juice. So delicious.
- Get a suit. I’ve got the pants. Just need to get the rest.
- Co-write a film script with someone.
- Hang out more with friends and be less of an anti-social bitch. God, srsly.
- Do two things I would never otherwise do.
- Get my toon to level 80. God, srsly. I’m such a terrible nerd.
- Visit at least 2 Friendfeed people. ROAD TRIP!
- Take Killer (my cat) to the groomer. Be able to afford that.
Here’s to the new year!