
On Life So Far

A lot has been going on in Jonathan-land since the last update. Instead of getting all prose heavy on you with how my life has been, I’ll just do a simple bullet point list of recent developments. You can thank me later.

  • Moving to Los Angeles in August to try and start my career as a screenwriter.
  • Redesigned my site.
  • Ended the hiatus to Hilarious Henry, and then hiatus’d again for the move to LA.
  • Started work on draft 2 of the script I wrote for Script Frenzy. Not much progress has been made on that front, however.
  • Started a cool new podcast with some friends. It’s called Flickers & Beats and we talk about movies and music. Sometimes there’s talk of theater stuff.
  • I’ve seen She & Him, Mates of State and Modest Mouse live.

All in all, it’s been fairly busy. I haven’t written much because I just haven’t had a lot to say that couldn’t be said on some other social site out there like Facebook or Friendfeed or Twitter. And even then I haven’t been too terribly active on those.

I promise I’ll be better about this.

Sincerely, me.