happy times

Jonathan is a VJ, Part 3

I figured I would usher in the extremely frigid month of December with a new Jonathan is a VJ post for you all. Since it’s so cold, I figured I’d post some light and bubbly stuff for you to enjoy and warm up to. As always, I’ve picked these videos from MTV Music, a site which you should sign up for and check out. It’s not without it’s faults, but that’s a different blog post for another blog.

So without further ado, let’s get this show on the road! I came across this first band through a friend and haven’t stopped listening since. I really dig their music and I think you will too.

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Who You Gonna Call

If you’ve been around the net some, you’ve no doubt heard the rumors about Ghostbusters 3 being made. It started with a video game, which got put on hold, and then fleshed out into a full on film rumor. Being ever the skeptic with properties so dear to my childhood, I kind of chuckled it off and went about my business. This latest news bit from Ain’t It Cool News, however, got me excited. From the very mouth of Harold Ramis himself, Ghostbusters 3 is pretty much a go. I don’t know about you, but this is the coolest news “evar.” This is one of those properties I’ve always wanted to see more from, and if there’s anyone who could pull it off, I suspect it would be these guys.